Crystal Data offers value-added product options and also enhanced quality of service in certain high broadband demand areas due to our access to dedicated IP infrastructure. We are able to provide a full range of connectivity products.
Online Backup
Crystal Data offers ‘SyncServer Backup for Servers’and ‘SyncServer Backup for Networks’ as backup solutions. We believe this provides you with cost effective, reliable and secure options to backup critical data securely stored offsite in UK data centres.
Web Hosting
Going with any Crystal Data hosting option is always the smart choice because Crystal Data stays ahead of the competition. Not just by taking on board the latest technology, but also because of the permanence of our network and the high, no-nonsense service level.
Cloud Computing
Every business has needs and yours is no different. Your people need to stay connected & you need to maintain security & control. So why not have both? Increase productivity by providing ways to work & collaborate from anywhere, any time, on any device.
Mail Filtering
It seems that spam has become a fact of life on the Internet and without the correct protection, your mailbox can soon be flooded with spam. To improve our customers’ mail service we've invested in powerful MailFoundry Anti-Spam hardware.